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     Approximately two decades ago, I was approached by a leading publisher in the New Age and divination market who inquired whether I had ever considered designing a tarot deck. Responding to samples of my work they had seen, they considered  my illustrative style might bring a unique touch to such a project.


Thus began my journey into the world of Tarot.​​

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      Initially, I embarked on this path with cautious steps, adhering closely to established imagery, principally that of the Rider-Waite-Smith deck. However, as I developed subsequent titles, I increasingly diverged further from this traditional framework. Each new deck I created evolved its own distinct character even as I strove to honor and reference the rich varied heritage of the 78 cards throughout the centuries, while increasingly infusing them with my personal perspectives. This endeavor presented a delicate challenge, by default it represented a blend of illustrative style and subjectivity, along with the multifaceted, often inconsistent interpretations within the tarot community, associated with each card. 


While I personally appreciated the historical charm of traditional tarot imagery, I often found its alleged meanings and symbolic significance questionable, and often based on conjecture, and its visual communication of intended messages sometimes lacking clarity.


     In the designing over 800 images during the course of this tarot journey, I applied a variety of illustrative styles and conceptual approaches, but one objective became a common denominator, namely to make each card as visually compelling as possible, while also offering a flexibility and range of interpretative possibilities. This flexibility was intended to empower readers, allowing them greater freedom to discern the unfolding narrative, not only of each individual card but also in conjunction with adjacent cards within a spread and in the context of the inquiry at hand. Furthermore, I hoped that  the detail and style of my illustrations would imbue the characters and scenes with greater depth and emotion, thereby eliciting a more profound response which in turn would provide for a richer storytelling experience.


     Over the course of these last twenty years, approximately 1,500,000 copies of my decks have been sold. This statistic in of itself is not an indication. let alone a confirmation of quality. Once again I reference the very subjective and intangible aspects of a tarot deck and the reading of tarot. But the statistics do suggest a degree of both acceptance and hopefully usage of my work, for which I am truly honored.


To order special editions of my decks and corresponding reading cloths, use the main"SHOP" link at the top of the page.

To order prints, vist my Pixels web site


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